Suleiman Markhor is the sub specie of Markhor ,found in Torghar Hills located on 6-7 hour drive from Quetta. The suleiman markhor is also known as straight horned markhor. It have the most beautiful screwed shape horns as compare to other sub species of markhor. In past it was not a huntable and exportable specie but in 1999 a delegation of USFW and IUCN visited STEP (Society of Torghar Environmental Protection) and discussed to start a community based hunting program and as a result the number of Suleman Markhors are rapidly increasing. The hunter requires a good physical strength. The hills are pretty easy than the Hindu kush and Himalayas. A set of 26-32 inches horns is considered to be very good.
Altitude: 3000-4500 meters.
Temperature: 0°C to 15°C.